--- Alex K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > Thank you for this interesting tip. However I'm not > sure to know how > to use it. It seems pydoc.pager('text') just pages > the text passed in. > How do I actually make the python shell use a > different pager?
I'm unsure of what you want. Do you want the print statement, inside the Python interpreter, to page its output? Write a function to page the output the way you like, and assign it to sys.displayhook (see http://docs.python.org/lib/module-sys.html#l2h-5124 ) -- Gabriel Genellina Tarjeta de crédito Yahoo! de Banco Supervielle. Solicitá tu nueva Tarjeta de crédito. De tu PC directo a tu casa. www.tuprimeratarjeta.com.ar -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list