Stefan Behnel wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
>> On Jan 19, 11:00 pm, Fredrik Lundh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> John Machin wrote:
>>>> I'm happy enough with reassembling the second item. The problem is in
>>>> reliably and  correctly collapsing the whitespace in each of the above
>>>  > fiveelements. The standard Python idiom of u' '.join(text.split())
>>>  > won't work because the text is Unicode and u'\xa0' is whitespace
>>>> and would be converted to a space.
>>> would this (or some variation of it) work?
>>>  >>> re.sub("[ \n\r\t]+", " ", u"foo\n  frab\xa0farn")
>>> u'foo frab\xa0farn'
>>> </F>
>> Yes, partially. Leading and trailing whitespace has to be removed
>> entirely, not replaced by one space.
> Sounds like adding a .strip() to me ...

Sounds like adding a .strip(u' ') to me, otherwise any leading/trailing 
u'\xa0' gets blown away and this must not happen.

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