There exists a pre-compiled binary for dbus it was primary wirtten for deluge win32 port
There exists a pre-compiled binary for dbus it was primary wirtten for deluge win32 port On Jan 15, 9:14 pm, Suraj Barkale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > est <electronixtar <at>> writes: > > > I am trying to port Scribes to Windows, > > Hi there like minded fellow > > >≥ but it not for Python, so how could > > I install dbus module for Windows Python 2.5 ? > > I have also started to dabble in windbus-python for the sake of Scribes. I > have > following observations: > 1. I don't have Visual Studio 2003 (required for compiling Python 2.x modules) > so alternative is to use MinGW. Follow instructions > at can skip the GtkGLExt part. > 2. Checkout windbus from sourceforge, apply the patch (patch.exe doesn't work > on > Vista. Rename it to p4tch.exe) > 3. Follow the windows build instructions for windbus. It gets compiled > correctly > :). > 4. dbus-python has dependency on dbus AND dbus-glib. But all my attempts of > getting dbus-glib to build have failed so for. > 5. dbus-python looks at wrong place for python headers, this is very easy to > connect and if we can get dbus-glib to build then we are there :) > > I will keep banging my head & let you know once I have cracked it (or the > dbus-python :) > > P.S. Please CC me in your reply as I am not on the list. > > Regards, > Suraj --