On 10 Mar 2005 09:41:05 -0800, "Albert Tu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Dear there,
>We have an x-ray CT system. The acquisition computer acquires x-ray
>projections and outputs multiple data files in binary format (2-byte
>unsigned integer) such as projection0.raw, projection1.raw,
>projection2.raw ... up to projection500.raw. Each file is
>2*1024*768-byte big.
>I would like to read those files and convert to ascii files in %5.0f/n
>format as projection0.data ... projection500.data so that our
>visualization software can undersatnd the projection images. I was
Is there no chance of fixing the visualization software instead? The format 
easy and efficient, and it seems a shame to make a redundant bloated copy
of the same info. What next? XML tags surrounding your ascii floats?

What platform are you on? What is the visualization software's method of
accessing data? Only files as you describe? Are you visualizing interactively,
or setting up batch processing? 

>trying to do this conversion using Python. However, I had troubles
>declaring the file names using the do-loop index. Anyone had previous
Are you the same person who posted re this format some time ago?

Bengt Richter

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