Thanks everyone for the comments.

I had previously thought about the possibility of the classes keeping
track of their instances. I guess this could probably be done quite
transparently with a decorator too (as we have many different types of
objects being collected together). The only issue is that this
approach forces you to use what are essentially global variables,
whereas the searching through the stack method allows you to use the
structure of the program to organise what objects each 'magic'
function sees. Is this a good idea or not? I'm not entirely sure. I
think that personally I would lean towards using this method of
classes keeping track of their instances. It's not entirely my
decision so I'll see what the others say about it.

Any comments on this possibility: classes could keep track of their
instances, and also keep track of which function or module the
instances were defined in. Then, the magic functions could pick out
objects defined in the same function or module rather than looking at
the stack. This would achieve a similar thing, but is there any great
advantage in doing it this way? My first thought is that you'd still
have to go digging around in the stack to do this, but just not as

Also, does anyone know of any specific things I should be aware of in
taking this stack searching approach? I'm thinking of, for example,
any planned changes in the execution model of Python or the
inspect.stack() function in the next version of Python.


"Your users are *scientists*, and you don't trust their intellectual
ability to learn a programming language as simple as Python?"

Well, it's not quite as simple as that. One thing is that we're not
going to be able to force people to use our package. We believe it's
going to be considerably better - particularly in terms of ease of use
and extensibility - than the existing alternatives, but one of the
factors that will affect how many people start using it is how simple
we can make it to do basic things that they'll be familiar with. Many
scientists are using Python now, but it's not yet quite well known
enough that we can just assume that people will know it, and having to
learn the details of a new programming language is a considerable
disincentive for someone thinking about switching to a new piece of
software (even if, as you say, Python is not the most difficult
language to learn). Although the difference between the two pieces of
hypothetical code I presented seems quite trivial to an experienced
programmer, I think that the clarity and simplicity of the version
that uses the magic functions might make a difference. The difference
between being able to define and run a model with 10 lines or 20-30
lines of code might, somewhat perversely, be a significant factor.
(The example I gave was simplified to illustrate what was going on,
but the actual situation is more like you have 5 or 6 different types
of object, each of which uses other types of object to initialise
themselves, so that the magic function approach really reduces the
length of the program considerably.)

So, there's an aspect of PR about our wanting to have something like
the magic functions, but it's not entirely about self promotion,
because we think that in the long term it will be better for the users
if they switch to using our package (or something like it). The reason
being that the alternatives available at the moment all use their own
custom made programming languages which have nothing like the power of
a well developed general purpose language like Python, and are much
more difficult to use and extend. One of them is a stack based
language of all things!


"Even if you implement magic functions, don't get rid of the
straightforward "hard way"."

Absolutely not! A very good point. In fact, the magic functions don't
actually do any work themselves, they just create and call the 'hard
way' functions (which are still visible to the user). They're an
additional layer of abstraction which you can choose to use or not
use. And actually, there will be situations where there is no
alternative but to use the 'hard way'. We already learnt this lesson:
a couple of our magic functions were behaving differently and causing
some odd behaviour, so we changed them and now we're working on
building a more consistent and explicit interface (and enforcing it
works as expected with the unit testing module, a tedious but
hopefully very useful exercise in the long run).

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