On 11 jan, 16:10, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 11, 8:59 am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
> > But I *still* fail to see how it could be "misleading", and
> > *you* still fail to explain in which way it could be misleading.
> > If your point is that saying that CPython uses a byte-code/VM scheme
> > "just like Java" necessarily implies JIT compilation just because some
> > JVM support this feature, then it would be time you pay more attention
> > to what is effectively written.
> What three different people in this thread have been trying to tell
> you but you seem to miss is that claiming CPython's VM "is just like
> Java"

George, *please*, re-read what I wrote. I *never* claimed that
CPython's VM is just like a JVM, I just stated that both CPython and
Java use a byte-code/VM execution model. Can't you understand that ?


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