Gianluca Sartori wrote:

> Hi Christian, thanks for your replay. I gave a quick look at cherryPy
> too, but I had the impression it wasn't enought to be used in a real
> world contest. What about performances? Can I safely consider it to
> develop an Intranet/Extranet? My main concern is with scalability. What
> will happend if my user-base will grow? What if I had to add web
> services interface (say XML-RPC or SOAP) to my application? Can I do it
> in a second time without spending too much time/money?
> Thanks,
> Gianluca

Hi Gianluca,
In what respects do you think CherryPy falls short? There are some nice
performance stats on the CherryPy wiki (look under the FAQ) and in any case
you can run it behind Apache. It handles XML-RPC out of the box - not sure
about SOAP, but the design is sufficiently modular to add that in if
required. There are real-world sites using it in production; again, check
out the wiki.


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