If (and this is a big if) you know that the dictionary contains no values that evaluate to boolean false, then you can use the short-circuiting 'or' operator:In this snippet:
d = {'x': 1} value = d.get('x', bigscaryfunction())
the bigscaryfunction is always called, even though 'x' is a valid key. Is there a "short-circuit" version of get that doesn't evaluate the second argument if the first is a valid key? For now I'll code around it, but this behavior surprised me a bit...
>>> def bigscaryfunction(): ... print "scary" ... >>> d= globals() >>> d.get("key") or bigscaryfunction() scary >>> d.get("__name__") or bigscaryfunction() 'LazyDictget' >>>
Alternatively, you can just write your own getter function: >>> def lazyget(dict_, key, default): ... if key in dict_: ... return dict_[key] ... else: ... return default() ... >>> lazyget(d,"key",bigscaryfunction) scary >>> lazyget(d,"__name__",bigscaryfunction) 'LazyDictget' >>>
The optimal choice of whether to "look before you leap" i.e., "if key in dict_" or simply catch KeyError, depends on the ratio of hits to misses. Google will turn up some experimental data on this, but, I seem to recall that if more than 10% attempts are misses, then LBYL is faster, because raising the exception is slow
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