
Welcome to Python!

glob returns a list of filenames, but getline is made to work on just
one filename.
So you'll need to iterate over the list returned by glob.

>>> import linecache, glob
>>> for filename in glob.glob('/etc/*'):
>>>     print linecache.getline(filename, 4)

Maybe you could explain more about what you are trying to do and we
could help more?

Hope this helps,


On Jan 3, 10:02 pm, jo3c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi everyone happy new year!
> im a newbie to python
> i have a question
> by using linecache and glob
> how do i read a specific line from a file in a batch and then insert
> it into database?
> because it doesn't work! i can't use glob wildcard with linecache
> >>> import linecache
> >>> linecache.getline(glob.glob('/etc/*', 4)
> doens't work
> is there any better methods??? thank you very much in advance
> jo3c


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