Sorry for the delay in my response. New Year's Eve and moving apartment > - Where the data come from (I mean: are your data in Excel already > when you get them)? > - If your primary source of data is the Excel file, how do you read > data from the Excel file to Python (I mean did you solve this part of the > task already)?
Yes, the data comes from Excel and I use xlrd and PyExcelerator to read and write, respectively. #open for reading path_file = "c:\\1\\data.xls" book = xlrd.open_workbook(path_file) Counts = book.sheet_by_index(1) #get data n=1 data = [] while n<Counts.nrows: data.append(Counts.row_values(n, start_colx=0, end_colx=None)) n=n+1 # #Heres the part where I need to do the pivot table # #open a new Excel file for writing wb=pyExcelerator.Workbook() matrix = wb.add_sheet("matrix")'c:\\1\\matrix.xls') So the data comes in as a long list. I'm dealing with some information on various countries with 6 pieces of information to pivot. Just to make it simple it's like a video store database. The data is like [Country, Category, Sub Category, Film Title, Director, Number of Copies]. data = [['Italy', 'Horror', '70s', 'Suspiria', 'Dario Argento', 4],['Italy', 'Classics', 'Neo-Realist', 'Otto e Mezzo', 'Fellini', 3],['Italy', 'Horror', '70s', 'Profondo Rosso', 'Dario Argento', 4],...]. So there are 4 copies of Suspiria and 3 of 8 1/2. What I want is the total number of films for each country, category and subcategory, ie there are 11 Italian films and 8 Italian horror films from the 70s, etc...I will then output the data like this | Horror | Classics ... Total | 70s Slasher | Neo-Realist Western ... Total America 200 20 30 0 10 ... Argentina 304 1 0 0 0 ... .... Italy 11 7 0 3 0 ... I'm just making up data here, but that's the idea. As I said, Excel does it in it's own way, but that whole idea here is to organize it exactly how I want it in an automated way. It's an interesting problem, one that I think a lot of people might want to use. I'm surprised that Programming Python, with all it's talk of dictionaries, doesn't have a section on organizing tabular data like this, or I'm more likely missing something or not making a connection. Any ideas, hints, or pointers on where I could learn more about this would be helpful. Otherwise, I'm off to the drawing board! --