On 27/12/2007, eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to setup simple python web server and I want it to just unzip
> and run, without any installation steps (have no right to do it).
> I've tried to write by myself, however, I find I am getting into more
> details like processing image file, different file type(like FLV) ..
> etc. Any recommendation or tools suggested for me?

If you do not want to use/extend SimpleHTTPServer from the standard
library and want to have something more like Django (i.e. a Web
Framework) give Gluon http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/ a try.  It does not
require installation.  For Windows just extract the .zip archive and
launch runme.exe.  Everything is included, even Python.  Same for Mac.
 For Linux the source tarball requires Python 2.4 or newer.

No installation, no configuration, everything can be done from within
the browser.  Watch the screencast at the Gluon homepage for a quick

Have fun,

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