thanks for the help...

the python doc is stilted. It tried to organized the thing and with a
style around some highbrow inane "computer science" outlook.

i found the little section on global
 and can't make out what shit it is trying to say without having read
and figured out the entire doc of its style and contexts and
definitions. (formalization varies and computing model and jargons mean
different things.)

Python doc writers needs to re-organize and re-style their docs so that
its organization is towards programing, as opposed to how the
implementation works (as in the Lib Reference), or a formalization of
the language spec. (e.g. the fucking semi-joke of "(for language
lawyers)" and BNF and those Runtime "Service" shits.) Its style
needs to shift from highbrowism to pragmatic and exemplary.

I've addressed some of the jargon-riding ills common in industry with
examples from the Python doc, archived here:

as to the way of its stiltedenss and academicism, which make it hard
for programers to find or apply any info, i'll expound later.

PS just so that there is no misunderstanding: The docs of unix and
Perl, are fucking criminally incompetent. Python docs, although stilted
in a academic way, but nevertheless is solid, and its writers are
educated, and tried best to make it a quality one, albeit sometimes
inevitably showed some masterbation and jargonization. While the unix
and Perl docs, (and essentially all things out of unix, e.g. Apache
docs), are fucking incompetent drivels and in many cases exorbitant
lies, and they semi-present it as humor and want and brainwash people
to take them as norm. In a nutshell, these people are spreading
untruths and indirectly are causing massive harm in the computing
industry. People, we need to stop it. This each of us can do by not
accepting their attitudes or behavior. In online forums, work place,
conventions, conversations etc., raise questions or otherwise voice
your opinion whenever you can.



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