I ended up using the trick I found in the Disutils Cookbook.


This works fine for me now, but I have another distutils question.

My package requires Pmw and another home grown package that has a
source dist and a Windows dist built with the bdist_wininst command.
Is there a way to include the tarballs and *.win32-py2.3.exe files to
install them if necessary?

What I have now is that I'm including these in my source dist for
Linux, but  I don't know how to do some type of conditional install. I
tried adding the Pmw package in my setup.py, but the Pmw.def file
doesn't make it over. Only the *.py files are in the MANIFEST. I
suppose I could change my MANIFEST.in file, but it seems to me that
having "Pmw" in the packages list should be sufficient.

Does Python2.4 have more extensive distutils documentation? (I'm using
2.3.2 now.)



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