En Mon, 17 Dec 2007 21:29:55 -0300, André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

>> I am using the doctest.testfile() interface to load up tests that
>> resides in a text file.  Here's a description of the puzzling feature.
>> The second expected "<" fails; instead, we get "&lt;"
>> ==== file 3: all tests pass ====
>> title
>>   >>> print "<"
>>   <
>>   >>> import module_a
>>   >>> print "<"
>>   &lt;
>> + 400 lines of text and further tests
>> ========================

Are you playing with sys.stdout, replacing it with another object, or  
changing its encoding? That's the only way to get "&lt;" when printing "<"  
that I can think of.

Gabriel Genellina


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