En Mon, 17 Dec 2007 21:13:32 -0300, Sean DiZazzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Why is the following not working?  Is there any way to get keyword
> arguments working with exposed XMLRPC functions?
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ server.py
> import SocketServer
> from SimpleXMLRPCServer import
> SimpleXMLRPCServer,SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler
> # Threaded mix-in
> class
> AsyncXMLRPCServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn,SimpleXMLRPCServer):
> pass
> class XMLFunctions(object):
>     def returnArgs(*args, **kwargs):
>         return kwargs.items()

You forget the self argument. But this is not the problem. XMLRPC does not  
allow passing parameters by name, only positional parameters. See  

"If the procedure call has parameters, the <methodCall> must contain a  
<params> sub-item. The <params> sub-item can contain any number of  
<param>s, each of which has a <value>. "

Parameters have no <name>, just a <value>, so you can only use positional  
parameters. But you can simulate keyword arguments by collecting them in a  
dictionary and passing that dictionary as an argument instead.

(server side)
      def returnArgs(self, x, y, other={}):
          return x, y, other

(client side)
     print server.returnArgs("xvalue", "yvalue", dict(foo=123, bar=234,  

Gabriel Genellina


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