Gabriel Genellina wrote: > En Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:53:49 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > >> As I understand it, import myFile and include "" are not quite >> the same. >> >> -- >> for import to work must be in the same directory as the code >> that calls it accessible through PYTHONPATH, whereas include >> "../somedirectory/" works in Karrigell, even though it is not >> accessible through PYTHONPATH. >> >> -- if imported, the print >> statement would only run the first time through unless >> reload(myFile) is executed in the proper place. > > execfile("../somedirectory/") does not have those problems. >
place your code within the module into a function, then in the calling file just include the module using "include myFile", to get at the code you want to use, simply call the function as "myFile.myFunction()". (obviously, drop the quotes and use the names you made for the module and function...) --