Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
I have a dictionary of images. I wish to sort the dictionary 'v' by a
dictionary value using python 2.3. The dictionary value is the date
attribute as shown here:
You can't sort dicts - they don't impose an order on either key or value.
There are ordered dict implementations out there, but AFAIK the only keep
the keys sorted, or maybe the (key,values) in the insertion order.
But maybe this helps you:
l = v.items()
l.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[9]['date'], b[9]['date'])
In 2.4, this is simple:
ordered_keys = sorted(v, key=lambda name: v[name][9]['date'])
In 2.3, or earlier, use "decorate-sort-undecorate":
decorated = [(value[9]['date'], key)
for key, value in v.iteritems()]
result = [key for key, date in decorated]
--Scott David Daniels