Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2007-12-13, Steven D'Aprano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have repeatedly argued in the past that we do ourselves a
>> disservice by describing Python as an interpreted language.
>> Python is compiled. It has a compiler. It even has a built-in
>> function "compile". It's just not compiled to *machine code* --
>> but with even machine code often running on a virtual machine
>> in the CPU(s), the distinction is far less important now than
>> it was when Sun described Java as a compiled language despite
>> the lack of JIT compilers.
> When folks say Python is an interpreted language I think they
> mean it informally--they just mean you have to run an interpreter
> to execute it. *How* it's translated is irrelevent to the
> *informal* meaning.
> And I'd further argue that the informal meaning is the only one
> that makes any sense.

Many people still talk about lisp as "interpreted" despite the fact
that there have been compilers (that compile to machine code) for

I'm not sure it's really a property of a language, rather of an

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