I am having a object tuple created at application startup. This tuple I pass on to a python function in call to: PyObject_CallObject(pcatInfo->pPyEvalFunction,pTuple);
For setting the values in this tuple, I am using PyLong_FromLong, PyString_FromString & friends functions. PyTuple_SetItem(pTuple,nCtr,PyString_FromString(szOrdValue)); My worry is that I will be doing this operation lot many times in the active duration of my application. During this time I do not want to delete the tuple (pTuple) object passed to PyObject_CallObject, to avoid the time taken for creating the object every time. But this poses another problem. Every call I make to PyLong_FromLong, PyString_FromString & friends & functions, they return references. How do we release the references or objects returned by these functions? What is the optimum strategy in this? Please guide. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list