On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 06:36:49AM -0800, sturlamolden wrote regarding Re: Is a 
"real" C-Python possible?:
> On 12 Des, 12:56, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ah, the 'make' statement.. I liked (and still do) that PEP, I think it
> > would have an impact comparable to the decorator syntax sugar, if not
> > more.
> I think it is one step closer to Lisp. I believe that it would be
> worth considering adding defmacro statement. Any syntax, including if,
> else, for, while, class, lambda, try, except, etc.  would be
> implemented with defmacros. We would only need a minimalistic syntax,
> that would bootstrap a full Python syntax on startup. And as for
> speed, we all know how Lisp compares to Python.

Programmable syntax is a very powerful concept.  However, python is designed 
not only to be powerful, but simple, and this change would drastically reduce 
the simplicity of Python.  It would cease to be a good beginner's language.  If 
you want a language with different syntax than python, python has wonderful 
parsing libraries.  Use those instead.

My 2?.



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