sturlamolden wrote:
> On 10 Des, 23:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aahz) wrote:
>> "Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming."
>> --C.A.R. Hoare (often misattributed to Knuth, who was himself quoting
>> Hoare)

    We're ten years into Python, and it's still a naive interpreter.
It's time for a serious optimizing compiler.  Shed Skin is going
in the right direction.  But for some reason, people seem to dislike the
Shed Skin effort. Its author writes "Am I the only one seeing the potential
of an implicitly statically typed Python-like-language that runs at
practically the same speed as C++?"

    "For a set of 27 non-trivial test programs (at about 7,000 lines in total; 
... measurements show a typical speedup of 2-40 times over Psyco, about 10 on 
average, and 2-220 times over CPython, about 35 on average."  So that's
what's possible.

    I'm surprised that Google management isn't pushing Guido towards
doing something about the performance problem.

                                John Nagle

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