(Martin, please, don't top post - fixed)
> Peter Otten wrote:
>> MartinRinehart wrote:
>>> However, here's the little tester I wrote:
>>> # t.py - testing
>>> global g
>>> g = 'global var, here'
>>> def f():
>>>     print g
>>> f()
>>> It prints 'global var, here,' not an error message. Wassup?
>> Try it again with a modified f():
>> def f():
>>     print g
>>     g = 42
>> In Python variables that are assigned to in a function are
>> function-local by default.
 > question is, why did the first one work?

The answer is just above.

 > In my real code I've got
 > module-level vars and an error msg trying to use them in a function.
 > In my test example I've got them accessed from within a function w/o
 > error message.
 > I am confused.

In the fist you're not rebinding the g. And FWIW, this is a FAQ.


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