gf gf wrote:

I'd like to associate certain lists with keywords, and
retrieve them.  But this is not possible as lists are
not hashable.

You can convert them to tuples with the `tuple' function:

        aDictionary[tuple(aList)] = aKeyword

> What is the best workaround?  I don't mind making my
> lists immutable.  Is there a way to tupelize them?
> I tried mydict[mykey]=([a for a in list]) but it
> didn't seem to work.

This code sample seems to suggest you're trying to do something else, however. If `mykey' is a string, then what you wrote is completely valid regardless of whether you converted it to a list or not.

If that was just a thinko while you were asking the question, then the reason ([...]) didn't work is that it's just syntactically wrapping a list comprehension in parentheses, rather than turning them into a tuple.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] &&
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
  Dead men have no victory.
  -- Euripides

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