>> But I'm experiencing some strange jumps in the data (seismic data is
>> mostly quite smooth at 40 Hz sampling rate). I think I did some mistake
>> in the byte order...
> Probably. In your code sample, when you pad it to 32-bits, why are you
> inserting every third byte, instead of the most significant one? 

Hm, I'm not that good when we go the the very basics. A good friend of mine
(Robert, now you don't need to go on reading this thread) helped me a lot,
but finally I got a bit confused. ;)

> Maybe the following will work:
> if sign:
>     s = struct.unpack('>i','%c%c%c%c' % (chr(0xFF),s0,s1,s2))[0]
> else:
>     s = struct.unpack('>i','%c%c%c%c' % (chr(0x00),s0,s1,s2))[0]

Perfect! Today I got a bit of c code - the results are identical. :)

Thanks to all of you,

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