John Machin wrote:

> As viewed with Google Groups, lines 40/41, 63/69, and 89 are indented 8
> spaces more than they should be.
> When I save your file and try to run it, I get this: C:\junk>
>   File "C:\junk\", line 40
>     self.w = 520
>     ^
> IndentationError: unexpected indent
> Possibilities:
> (1) Your file contains junk like tabs or no-break spaces. Use a text
> editor that will not mask what is really there to find the junk and edit
> it out.

As a first step towards sanity, make sure that your current editor is
configured to use a tabwidth of 8 spaces (it is probably set to 4
at the moment). You should then be able to at least see the offending


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