Python - Batteries Included(tm) This file will demonstrate that when you use the python CSV module, you don't have to remove the newline characters, as between "acorp_ Ac" and "orp Foundation" and other parts of the data below. It also demonstrates python's csv.DictReader, which allows you to read a CSV record into a dictionary. This will also demonstrate the use of lists ([]s) and dicts ({}s). If this doesn't whet your appetite for getting ahold of a powertool instead of sed for managing CSV data, I don't know what will. """ #### FIRST: CREATE A TEMPORARY CSV FILE FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES mycsvdata = """ "Category","0","acorp_ Ac orp Foundation","","","Acorp Co","(480) 905-1906","877-462-5267 toll free","800-367-2228","800-367-2228","[EMAIL PROTECTED] g","7895 East Drive","Scottsdale","AZ","85260-6916","","","","","","Pres Fred & Linda ","0","0","1","3","4","1" "Category","0","acorp_ Bob and Margaret Schwartz","","","","317-321-6030 her","317-352-0844","","","","321 North Butler Ave.","In dianapolis","IN","46219","","","","","","Refrigeration man","0","1","2","3","4","0" "Category","0","acorp_ Elschlager, Bob","","","","","702-248-4556","","","[EMAIL PROTECTED]","7950 W. Flamingo Rd. #2032","Las Vega s","NV","89117","","","","","","guy I met","0","1","2","3","4","1" """ ## NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A RECORD SEPARATOR WITHIN QUOTES, IT WILL NOT BE TREATED LIKE A RECORD SEPARATOR! ## Beef|"P|otatos"|Dinner Roll|Ice Cream import os, sys def writefile(filename, filedata, perms=750): f = open(filename, "w") f.write(filedata) os.system("chmod "+str(perms)+" "+filename) f.close() file2write = 'mycsvdata.txt' writefile(file2write,mycsvdata) # Check that the file exists if not os.path.exists(file2write): print "ERROR: unable to write file:", file2write," Exiting now!" sys.exit() # ...so everything down to this point merely creates the # temporary CSV file for the code to test (below). #### SECOND: READ IN THE CSV FILE TO CREATE A LIST OF PYTHON DICTIONARIES, WHERE EACH # DICTIONARY CONTAINS THE DATA FROM ONE ROW. THE KEYS OF THE DICTIONARY WILL BE THE FIELD NAMES # AND THE VALUES OF THE DICTIONARY WILL BE THE VALUES CONTAINED WITHIN THE CSV FILE'S ROW. import csv ### NOTE: Modify this list to match the fields of the CSV file. header_flds = ['cat','num','name','blank1','blank2','company','phone1','phone2', \ 'phone3','phone4','email','addr1','city','state','zip','blank3', \ 'blank4','blank5','blank6','blank7','title','misc1','misc2','misc3', \ 'mics4','misc5','misc6'] file2open = 'mycsvdata.txt' reader = csv.DictReader(open(file2open), [], delimiter=",") data = [] while True: try: # Read next "header" line (if there isn't one then exit the loop) reader.fieldnames = header_flds rdr = reader.next() data.append(rdr) except StopIteration: break def splitjoin(x): """ This removes any nasty \n that might exist in a field (of course, if you want that in the field, don't use this) """ return ''.join((x).split('\n')) #### THIRD: ITERATE OVER THE LIST OF DICTS (IN WHICH EACH DICT IS A ROW/RECORD FROM THE CSV FILE) # example of accessing all the dictionaries once they are in the list 'data': import string for rec in data: # for each CVS record itmz = rec.items() # get the items from the dictionary print "- = " * 20 for key,val in itmz: print key.upper()+": \t\t",splitjoin(val) # Note: splitjoin() allows a record to contain fields with newline characters Matt_D wrote: > Hello there, this is my first post to the list. Only been working with > Python for a few days. Basically a complete newbie to programming. > > I'm working with csv module as an exercise to parse out a spreadsheet > I use for work.(I am an editor for a military journalism unit) Not > trying to do anything useful, just trying to manipulate the data. > Anyway, here's the code I've got so far: > > import csv > import string > import os > > #Open the appropriate .csv file > csv_file = csv.reader(open("D:\\Python25\\BNSR.csv")) > > #Create blank dictionary to hold {[author]:[no. of stories]} data > story_per_author = {} > > def author_to_dict(): #Function to add each author to the dictionary > once to get initial entry for that author > for row in csv_file: > author_count = row[-1] > story_per_author[author_count] = 1 > > #Fetch author names > def rem_blank_authors(): #Function to remove entries with '' in the > AUTHOR field of the .csv > csv_list = list(csv_file) #Convert the open file to list format > for e-z mode editing > for row in csv_list: > author_name = row[-1] > if author_name == '': #Find entries where no author is listed > csv_list.remove(row) #Remove those entries from the list > > def assign_author_to_title(): #Assign an author to every title > author_of_title = {} > for row in csv_file: > title = row[3] > author = row[-1] > author_of_title[title] = author > > > assign_author_to_title() > print author_of_title > > -- > > Ok, the last two lines are kind of my "test the last function" test. > Now when I run these two lines I get the error: > > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "D:\Python25\Lib\SITE-P~1\PYTHON~1\pywin\framework > \scriptutils.py", line 310, in RunScript > exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__ > File "D:\Python25\csv_read.py", line 33, in <module> > print author_of_title > NameError: name 'author_of_title' is not defined > > I am guessing that the author_of_title dict does not exist outside of > the function in which it is created? The concept of instantiation is > sort of foreign to me so I'm having some trouble predicting when it > happens. > > If I call the assign_author_to_title function later, am I going to be > able to work with the author_of_title dictionary? Or is it best if I > create author_of_title outside of my function definitions? > > Clearly I'm just stepping through my thought process right now, > creating functions as I see a need for them. I'm sure the code is > sloppy and terrible but please be gentle! > -- Shane Geiger IT Director National Council on Economic Education [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 402-438-8958 | http://www.ncee.net Leading the Campaign for Economic and Financial Literacy
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