Shane Geiger wrote:

> Best, is naturally, a somewhat subjective evaluation.  That being said,
> configparser is well regarded.  I have also seen these two options that
> you might want to check out:

+1 on configobj.  The ability to have mutli-level config files is wonderful,
and it's all dict and/or array access methods.  Wonderful.

>> I'd like to make minimal change to my working optparse setup (there are
>> lots of options - I don't want to duplicate all the cmdline parsing with
>> ini file parsing code)

I found (at least) two areas where lots of code is unavoidable:
configuration handling and error handling.  That said, you could use
configparse (or configobj) to set the defaults of all your command line
options, like so:

cfg = configobj.ConfigObj('file.ini', file_error=True)
parser.add_option('--opt', dest='opt',  default=cfg.get('opt', None) why didn't I do that in my code?  Thanks for the idea! :)



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