Hi , I am trying to splitt a Line whihc is below of format , AzAccept PLYSSTM01 [23/Sep/2005:16:14:28 -0500] " CN=dddd cojack (890),OU=1,OU=Customers,OU=ISM-Users,OU=kkk Secure,DC=customer,DC=rxcorp,DC=com" "plysmhc03zp GET /mci/performance/ SelectProducts.aspx? p=0&V=C&a=29&menu=adhoc" [d4b62ca2-09a0-4334622b-0e1c-03c42ba5] [0]
Here all the string whihc i want to split is --------------------------------- AzAccept PLYSSTM01 [23/Sep/2005:16:14:28 -0500] CN=dddd cojack (890),OU=1,OU=Customers,OU=ISM-Users,OU=kkk Secure,DC=customer,DC=rxcorp,DC=com" GET /mci/performance/SelectProducts.aspx?p=0&V=C&a=29&menu=adhoc d4b62ca2-09a0-4334622b-0e1c-03c42ba5 0 -------------------------------- i am trying to use re.split() method to split them , But unable to get the exact result . Any help on this is highly appriciated . Thanks Sumit -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list