For my final project, I'm trying to do a GUI based game similar to are you smarter then a 5th grader. I've been working on it and am stuck with some code someone helped me with to randomize the A,B,C,D letters that the correct answer is assigned too. The code that does this is highlighted in bold and the code that assigns it to a variable is also in bold so I can test it in the console window. Problem is, it's always stuck at letter A and doesn't always give the correct answer. The correct answer is always position 1 in my make math question list. Could someone please help?
thanks BTW, to whoever asked me why I don't use functions b4, I'm using them now that I've learned how to... :P ;) from graphics import * from random import * def drawMainMenu(win): #define and draw the buttons mainMenuList = [] mainMenuList.append (CreateRect(4,6,7,8,"grey",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateRect(3.5,6.5,5,6,"grey",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateRect(3.5,6.5,3,4,"grey",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateRect(3.1,7,1,2,"grey",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateRect(8,10,0,1,"grey",win)) #define and draw the main menu mainMenuList.append (CreateText(5,9.5,"MAIN MENU","times roman", 30, "normal", "red",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(2,8.5,"Please pick a subject from below: ","times roman", 14, "normal", "purple",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(5,7.5,"MATH","times roman", 28, "italic", "blue",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(5,5.5,"SCIENCE","times roman", 28, "italic", "yellow",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(5,3.5,"HISTORY","times roman", 28, "italic", "pink",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(5,1.5,"GEOGRAPHY","times roman", 28, "italic", "green",win)) mainMenuList.append (CreateText(9,.5,"Quit","times roman", 20, "italic", "black",win)) return(mainMenuList) def UndrawMenu (menulist): for i in range(len(menulist)): menulist[i].undraw() def CreateText(x,y,myString,myFace,mySize, myStyle, myColor,win): myText = Text(Point(x,y), myString) myText.setFace(myFace) myText.setSize(mySize) myText.setStyle(myStyle) myText.setTextColor(myColor) myText.draw(win) return myText def CreateRect(x1,x2,y1,y2,myFill,win): myRect = Rectangle(Point(x1,y1,), Point(x2,y2)) myRect.setFill(myFill) myRect.draw(win) return myRect def isValidClick(x1,x2, y1, y2, p1, win): if p1.getX()>=x1 and p1.getY()>=y1 and p1.getX()<=x2 and p1.getY()<=y2: return True else: return False def drawQuestion (subject, question, answers, win): menuList = [] #define and draw the entry boxes entchoice = Entry(Point(6.4,6.5), 1) entchoice.setText("A") entchoice.setTextColor ("blue") entchoice.draw(win) menuList.append(entchoice) menuList.append(CreateText(5,9.5,question,"times roman", 18, "normal", "red",win)) menuList.append(CreateText(2,8.5,"A. " + answers[0],"times roman", 16, "normal", "purple",win)) menuList.append(CreateText(7.5,8.5,"B. " + answers[1],"times roman", 16, "normal", "purple",win)) menuList.append(CreateText(2,7.5,"C. " + answers[2],"times roman", 16, "normal", "purple",win)) menuList.append(CreateText(7.5,7.5,"D. " + answers[3],"times roman", 16, "normal", "purple",win)) menuList.append(CreateText(4.7,6.5,"Please enter your choice:","times roman", 16, "normal", "purple",win)) #draw answer box and text answerButton = Rectangle(Point(7,5.5), Point(3,4)) answerButton.setFill("grey") answerButton.draw(win) answerButton = Text(Point(5,4.8),"Answer") answerButton.setTextColor("black") answerButton.setSize(22) answerButton.draw(win) menuList.append(answerButton) return(menuList) def main(): #Declare and initialize variables #make math question list mathlist = [] question = ["An equilateral triangle has how many sides?", "3", "4" , "1", "5"] mathlist.append(question) question = ["How many inches are in a foot?", "12", "6", "3", "9"] mathlist.append(question) question = ["One Kilogram equals how many grams?", "1000", "230", "450", "100"] mathlist.append(question) question = ["Which means nine hundred sixty three thousandths?", ".963", ".0963", ".0.0963", "9.63"] mathlist.append(question) question = ["A fathom is a unit of measurement for which of the following?", "depth", "space", "time", "distance"] mathlist.append(question) question = ["What is 111, plus 112, plus 113?", "336", "332", "331", "333"] mathlist.append(question) #show the rules of the game window win = GraphWin("RULES OF THE GAME",600,600) win.setBackground("orange") win.setCoords(0.0,0.0,10.0,10.0) txtrules1 = CreateText(5,9.5,"The rules of the game are as follows:","times roman", 16, "normal", "red",win) txtrules2 = CreateText(5,8.5,"The game will be made up of 10 questions, 2 from each grade 1-5.","times roman", 12, "normal", "black",win) txtrules3 = CreateText(5,7.5,"You will be able to pick 2 subjects you want to answer for each grade.","times roman", 12, "normal", "black",win) txtrules4 = CreateText(5,6.5,"The subjects you can pick from are Math, Science, History and Geography.","times roman", 12, "normal", "black",win) txtrules5 = CreateText(5,5.5,"No more then 3 questions can be answered from each subject.","times roman", 12, "normal", "black",win) txtrules6 = CreateText(5,2.5,"HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK!","times roman", 26, "normal", "yellow",win) #define window and set coords win =GraphWin("Are You Smarter Then a Fifth Grader???",800,800) win.setBackground("orange") win.setCoords(0.0,0.0,10.0,10.0) mainMenuList = drawMainMenu(win) #getMouse p1 = win.getMouse() while(isValidClick(8,10,0,1,p1,win)==False): if (isValidClick(4,6,7,8,p1,win)==True): currentList = mathlist subject = "Math" elif (isValidClick(3.5,6.5,5,6,p1,win)==True): UndrawMenu(mainMenuList) elif (isValidClick(3.5,6.5,3,4,p1,win)==True): UndrawMenu(mainMenuList) elif (isValidClick(3.1,7,1,2,p1,win)==True): UndrawMenu(mainMenuList) UndrawMenu(mainMenuList) * #Picks random question qNum = randrange(0, len(currentList)) qList = currentList[qNum] aList = [] tmpList = qList[1:5] #Randomizes answers while(len(tmpList) > 0): rNum = randrange(0, len(tmpList)) aList.append(tmpList[rNum]) tmpList.pop(rNum)* currentScreen = drawQuestion(subject, qList[0], aList, win) currentList.pop(qNum) #getMouse p1 = win.getMouse() while(isValidClick(7,3,5.5,4,p1,win)==True): print "hello" * pResult = (currentScreen[0].getText()) print pResult cResult = (currentScreen[2].getText()) print cResult* #compare player's answer to correct answer #if correct/incorrect do a print statement #add/take away from score UndrawMenu(currentScreen) #Quit win.close() --