On 1 dic, 02:41, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 1, 12:24 am, Thomas Guettler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry, but this does not work. If there is an ImportError
> > during importing the existing module, it won't get inserted
> > into sys.modules. I just tried it with a small example.
> Curious, as at least for Python 2.3 it behaves as I described with the
> simple examples I tested. I do vaguely remember behaviour related to
> this changing though, so possible that newer version works
> differently.

Yes. It was changed on 2.4. From 

"Encountering a failure while importing a module no longer leaves a
partially-initialized module object in sys.modules. The incomplete
module object left behind would fool further imports of the same
module into succeeding, leading to confusing errors. (Fixed by Tim

Gabriel Genellina

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