Matt Barnicle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>hi everyone..  i've been chugging along learning python for a few months 
>now and getting answers to all needed questions on my own, but this one 
>i can't figure out nor can i find information on the internet about it, 
>possibly because i don't understand the right words to type into google..
>i have a very common scenario and need to know the python way to do it.  
>take this example loop:
>comments = []
>for row in rows:
>    comment = models.comment()
> = row[1]
>    comment.text = row[0]
>    comments.append(comment)
>the problem is that when i go to retrieve the comments later, they are 
>all the same object!  i assume this is due to there being no lexical 
>scoping?  so what is the solution to this?

Is that REALLY what the code looks like?  Or does it actually look like

  comments = []
  comment = models.comment()
  for row in rows: = row[1]
      comment.text = row[0]

That construct would produce exactly the result you describe.  You would
also get the result you describe if models.comment() were a normal function
that returns a single object, instead of a class name, as I have assumed.
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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