Méta-MCI (MVP) wrote:
> Hi, Tim!
> You are right, for  shimgvw.dll  (on XP / 2000, or some Vista). But 
> others Vista (ou users practice) had associate  images with 
> WindowsPhotoGallery.exe.
> But  shimgvw.dll already exist.
> I found that this line:
>         command = 'start "%s" /wait %s\\System32\\rundll32.exe 
> %s\\System32\\shimgvw.dll ImageView_Fullscreen %s && del /f "%s" ' % 
> (title,os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'],os.environ['SYSTEMROOT'],file,file)
> launch a "Photo Gallery" who respect the WAIT.
> For me (and my users), it's a solution.  Perhaps others PIL's users can 
> read that with interest.

I'm glad you found a solution. I think my point was that
you can use the FindExecutable API to determine whatever
is associated and use that (special-casing the shimgvw DLL
to use RunDLL). Obviously, if that executable doesn't
honour the wait then you're stuck, so maybe using shimgvw
universally is the solution.


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