STeVe, may I ask you for more details on this? Any disadvantages while using exec() in this context?
I try to avoid using any of the __xxxx__() functions if possible (considering this a good programming style). Claudio "Steven Bethard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Claudio Grondi wrote: > > "Steven Reddie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag > > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > >> > >>I want to do something like the following, which doesn't work: > >> > >> modulename = 'module' > >> import modulename > >> > >>The error is that there is no module named 'modulename'. Is there a > >>way to get that variable expanded? > > > > modulename = 'module' > > cmd = 'import '+modulename > > exec(cmd) > > > > Check also the thread: > > How do I import everything in a subdir? > > in THIS newsgroup. > > And note that it tells you to use __import__, not exec. =) > > STeVe --