Try something like this:
    for x in plugs:
        cmd = "import %s" % x
        exec (cmd)

"Dfenestr8" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi.
> I have a program which I want a plugin directory for. I figured the way to
> go about that would be to just add a plugin/ dir to sys.path, and import
> everything in it. Then my program can just execute the main() method of
> each imported plugin.
> Is that a good way to go about it?
> If so, how do I import everything in the plugins dir? The method raises an
> error as you can see.
> >>> import sys
> >>> import os
> >>> sys.path.append("plugins")
> >>> ls = os.popen("ls plugins").readlines()
> >>> for x in ls:
> ...     plugs.append(x[0:x.rfind(".py")])
> >>> for x in plugs:
> ...     import x
> ...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
> ImportError: No module named x


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