Sorry about the simple question ... I'd like to install Python 3000 on my computers (Mac, and possibly Windows), without messing up the existing versions. So far, I've always relied on using ".msi" on Windows and ".dmg" on the Mac.
>From the Python site, I read (different version, but still...): ---- Unpack the archive with tar -zxvf Python-2.4.4.tgz ... Change to the Python-2.4.4 directory and run the "./configure", "make", "make install" commands to compile and install Python. ---- The step that gets me worried is the "make install" one... I don't want it to take over as default. I would like to be able to invoke it by typing "python3k ..." from anywhere and have it work - while still having "python" invoke the default 2.5 version. André --