| In case you are still interested pygsl wraps the GSL solver.
| ....
| from pygsl import poly
| pc = poly.poly_complex( 3 )
| tmp , rs = pc.solve( ( 2 , 3 , 1 ) )
| print rs
| ....
| You get pygsl at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pygsl/
Pierre ....
Thanks again for the link to the Python GNU Scientific Library ....
I managed to build it under Debian GNU/Linux
and the solution you posted above works as is ....
The PyGSL results agree with the numarray eigenvalue
solution posted by Alex Renelt and a few timing tests
for small problems seem to indicate that it runs a bit quicker ....
I'm looking forward to further use of this package
in the future ....
Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona