On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 15:51:56 -0800, braver wrote:

> Is there any trick to get rid of having to type the annoying,
> character-eating "self." prefix everywhere in a class?

Oh I know! It' uch a pain. Sinc writing a hug cla lat wk, I'v had a 
trribl hortag o lowrca S E L and F charactr. It mak writing vry annoying.

> Sometimes I avoid OO just not to deal with its verbosity.

There are other values than brevity. In fact, brevity is one of the less 
important values.

> In fact, I try to use
> Ruby anywhere speed is not crucial especially for @ prefix is better-
> looking than self.

Well, it takes all sorts I suppose. Who would those with good taste mock 
if everybody liked the same things?

> But things grow -- is there any metaprogramming tricks or whatnot we can
> throw on the self?

Oh yeah, that's just what I like to see! Complicated, brittle, hard to 
debug, difficult to understand metaprogramming tricks in preference to a 
simple, easy-to-read naming convention.


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