> > >    Well, you would if you override the two set_* methods to set both
> > > height and width to the same value <G>
> >
> > But that breaks expectations: a user doesn't expect set_width() to
> affect
> > the height.
> I can't speak for everyone but I certainly expect setting the width of
> a Square to change it's height. In fact, that would probably be the
> reason I used a Square rather than a Rectangle in the first place.

You might expect this, but the algorithm that resizes a rectangle for some
reason does not expect this. That's why a Square IS NOT a Rectangle from an
IT point of view, even if it is from a mathematical one. I see this every
day in my code, and if a square were to be given instead of a recatngl, all
my code would break immediately.
One can see inheritance as a generalization, not the opposite.

French PhD student
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