
Thanks for this information

Py_CompileString takes the source code from file, isn't it?
As can be seen from the syntax of this function: "PyObject* 
Py_CompileString(char *str, char *filename, int start)"

I want to parse the code which is in memory - loaded from database.
In that case, may I know, how to use the Py_CompileString?

Is it mandatory to read from file for this function? Reading from file 
increases startup time of my application.
So, I was thinking of using PyParser_SimpleParseString, which takes the code to 
be parsed in the "char*" format. Quit suitable to my need.

Can I use the output of the function PyParser_SimpleParseString as input to 

Please guide.
Thanks in advance for your time & guidance.

Warm Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Gabriel Genellina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 November 2007 07:51
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: How to use the evaluate the code object returned by PyParser_Simp 
leParseString function?
En Wed, 14 Nov 2007 06:48:41 -0300, Borse, Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> `struct _node* PyParser_SimpleParseString(char *str, int start)'
>      Parse Python source code from STR using the start token START. 
> The result can be used to create a code object which can be evaluated 
> efficiently.
>      This is useful if a code fragment must be evaluated many times.
> I have exactly same requirement. I have dynamic expressions loaded 
> from database at startup in my C++ application.
> I want to parse these expressions at startup & keep the parsed
> (compiled) code in memory of this application.
> Then at runtime, I want to evaluate all this parsed code. This has to 
> be very efficient.

parsed != compiled. Use Py_CompileString instead. The resulting code object may 
be executed with PyEval_EvalCode.

BTW, instead of looking at some random web site, it's better to read the 
official documentation at http://docs.python.org. You should have a copy of it 
in the Doc subdirectory inside your Python installation.

Gabriel Genellina

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