On Nov 10, 4:48 am, Paul Rudin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > jwelby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > The main reason I have used Eclipse for larger, team based, projects > > is for the source control plug-ins. Eclipse has plug-in support for > > cvs and svn. PyScripter may have this too - perhaps I've missed it. > > (I'm away from my Windows box at the moment, otherwise I would check). > > Of course, there are other ways to implement source control without it > > needing to be integrated in the IDE, so even this need not put off > > anyone who wants to use PyScripter with source control. > > > [snip] > > I'm not sure if you count emacs as "lightweight" but it's certainly > less resource hungry than eclipse/pydev, and does have integrated > cvs/svn functionality.
I've never understood the desire for using your version control software via your IDE. Why not just Alt-Tab over to your terminal window and run the svn/bzr/hg/git/whatever commands yourself right from there? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list