En Sun, 11 Nov 2007 13:33:09 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�: > it seems the problem you guys found appears... > when combining Windows OS and MSIE... > (apologies... m_._m )
Or any other OS+browser with javascript disabled. BTW, why do you require JS? Looks like it should be possible to do it with just HTTP POST and plain old forms... > Dont know how to fix it .(I am a begginer...) > if some soul wanna help out... the code is here... > http://test-iq.web.cern.ch/test-iq/piton_is_easy.tar > > Anyway it works fine with firefox :) The HTML code is invalid, so it works "fine" just by accident. -- Gabriel Genellina -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list