bruce schrieb:
> Hi...
> I have a python script/app that i'm dealing with. It uses Durus, which
> installs as an egg.
> I'm trying to figure out how to modify any of the underlying source files or
> the egg, short of modifying the original source file, and then having to
> reinstall the egg via "python install"...
> I'm relatively new to python/egg(s), but I can't seem to find a way to
> accomplish this via the 'net.
> I've looked in the Install file, as well as the thinking that I
> migt be able to find a way to simply build the app, and to have the required
> scripts installed under the "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages" tree as the
> other pyhon apps/scripts are....
> The app I'm working with is Durus 3.7. I've got the tar.gz uncompressed, but
> the only thing I get is an egg file, which gets installed/placed under the
> "site-packages" dir.
> Any help/pointers/etc.. would be helpful!!

Usually, eggs are created using setuptools [1]. The documentation there 
is comparably good. So I'm wondering where your troubles come from.

Your usecase should be solved by a simple

<durus-dir># python develop

Then in the site-packages there will be created an egg-link that points 
to your durus-dir. You can then modify the source.


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