On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:45:47 -0800, rishiyoor wrote:

> I need help coding my flowchart. The C's are conditions, the S's are
> statements. The statements do not affect the conditions except for S5
> which is an increment for C0. The left is True, and the right is
> False.
> I would probably use a while loop (or for loop without S5) for the
> first condition C0, and I am thinking of evaluating the rest of the
> conditions using if statements. But if I use if-statements, I am not
> able to accomodate the breaks.
>     Program
>        ├───────────────────────────────┐
>    ┌─< C0 >─────────┐                  │
>    │                |                  │
>    │        ┌────< C1 >──────────┐     │
>    │  ┌───< C2 >────┐       ┌──< C3 >─┐│
>    │  │        ┌─< C4 >─┐  [S1]       ││
>    │  │       [S2]     [S3] └────┬────┘│
>    │  │        │        │    ┌─< C4 >─┐│
>    │  │        │        │   [S4]      ││
>    │  │        │        │    └───┬────┘│
>    │  └───┬────┴────────┴────────┘     │
>    │     [S5]                          │
>    │      └────────────────────────────┘
> Program

Sounds pretty much like homework to me.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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