OK, i forgot to mention this.

The speed is a critical issue because there will be a competition and 
whosever solution is faster wins the prize.

Hence will a python solution be as fast as a C++ solution??


On 4 Mar 2005, John Machin wrote:

> I.V. Aprameya Rao wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have to implement a flat file dbms. The basic condition is that
> > relations will be given in files and i will have to run certain
> select
> > project join queries on those relations.
> >
> > Can someone tell me as to which language will be faster, python or
> C++??
> Faster to get a working app released: Python
> Faster to drive you nuts: C++
> Faster processing the files: My hunch is C++, but not by much. After
> you've shipped your working app (in Python), you'll still have lots of
> spare time to tweak up the speed -- IF it's slow, if anybody notices,
> and if anybody cares -- and this newsgroup usually provides a lively
> response to "how do I make this faster" questions.


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