On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 15:00:03 -0500, Frank Samuelson wrote:

> 1. Currently in Python
> def  foo(x,y): ...
> assigns the name foo to a function object.  Is this pythonic?
> Why not use the = operator like most other assignments? 

Why? What benefit do you gain?

> Define function objects as "function"s, let users put them where they 
> want to.  Get rid of lambda, get rid of def, only use = for assignments.

So you remove two keywords. That's a plus. But then you have to create a 
WHOLE lot more syntax to support it, and that's about a thousand minuses. 
Python has very little syntax, and the designers are (rightly) very 
resistant to adding more.

> foo = function(x,y) x+y*2   # Example S language code 

This would currently be a syntax error, hence the need for new syntax.

Also, function() couldn't be a normal type, or even a built-in function, 
because it has to have special syntax:

name = function(*argument_list) expression

It's also not clear how you expect this to work with anything more 
complex than a single expression. How do you handle statements and 
multiple returns?

def foo(x, y):
    L = []
        if x[y] % 2:
            print x, y
            return y
        return x[y]
        return None

> bar = foo

But you can still do this with Python:

def foo(x, y):
    return x+y*2
bar = foo

> 2. Allow sequences to be indices:
>  >>> s=["hello", 6, 33, "none"]
>  >>> x= [1,3]
>  >>> [ s[y] for y in x]     # Current verbose version
> [6, 'none']

I don't especially call it verbose.

>  >>> s[x]                   # Simpler, clearer, more productive

It's certainly smaller.

But the fatal objection to this is that it is a special case for a very 
limited benefit: saving half a dozen characters. List comprehensions are 
very flexible:

[float(s[3*i % 2]) for i in x if 3 <= i < 12] # for example...

Your proposal doesn't have anywhere near that flexibility. It simply 
duplicates perhaps the most trivial list comp [s[y] for y in x], just to 
save a dozen or so characters. Python doesn't treat terseness as that big 
a virtue.

Besides, if you want this behaviour, you can add it yourself:

class mylist(list):
    # Untested!
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if type(index) is list:
             return [self[i] for i in index]
        return super(mylist, self).__getitem__(index)

list = mylist

The only difference is you have to write:

s = list([1,2,3])

instead of s = [1,2,3].

> To quote a poster at http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread22741.html,
> "While we are at it, I also don't understand why sequences can't be used
> as indices. Why not, say, l[[2,3]] or l[(2, 3)]? Why a special slice
> concept? "  Isn't that unpythonic?

But can't you see that the suggestion to use sequences as replacements 
for slices is completely incompatible with your suggestion above?

seq = range(10)

Would you expect seq[[2,6]] to do an index lookup, as you suggested 
originally, or a slice? In the first case, it would return [2, 6], but in 
the second, it would return [2, 3, 4, 5].

If sequence indices are slices, what does an index of [1, 2, 3, 4] mean?

> 3. When I first
> started using python, I frequently used map, because I didn't want to
> have to learn the additional syntax of list comprehensions, which
> appeared very nonstructured.

It is a slightly more verbose form of standard mathematical set notation.

In case it comes out wrong, the symbol ϵ is supposed to be the symbol for 

"the set of 3x+1 such that x is in (1, 2, 3) if x is odd"

{ 3x+1 : x ϵ (1, 2, 3) if x%2 }

becomes the list comprehension:

[ 3*x+1 for x in (1, 2, 3) if x%2 ]

> # Is this readable?
> b= [x+y for x in vec1 if x>0 for y in vec2 if y>x ]

It is probably pushing the boundaries of how readable a list comp can get 
before it should be refactored, but it hasn't crossed over into 

> Perhaps a list comprehension syntax more like the rest of python.

I think the great majority Python folks find the list comprehension 
syntax to be one of the MOST Pythonic features, not the least.


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