well so far the problem for me is not the linking i have a kinda good
code for that.
here is a little snippet of the idea that i used on an old version
that split the picture without input from the user.

#this code defines that the edges have a place on the grid.
def join_point(self, type):
     orect = self.orig_image.get_rect()
     if type == "north":
          return ((orec.width/2, 20))

but it relies on the fact that the image is on a grid then checks to
see where the puzzle piece is on the grid.

then to actualy link the piece i had this

def draw_connection(self, other)
      if self.north == other:
           spt = "north"
           opt = "south"

which then would check several draw points that are defined in depth.
which i am sure that it can be modified with a little work...... my
main problem is getting the user input on what the size shape and yata
yata of the puzzle piece should be..... sorry if i didn't make sense

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