On Nov 6, 2007 3:09 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2:51 pm, "Michael Bacarella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On the problem PCs, both of these methods give me the same information
> > > (i.e. only the processor name). However, if I go to "System
> > > Properties" and look at the "General" tab, it lists the CPU name and
> > > processor speed. Does anyone else know of another way to get at this
> > > information?
> >
> > This information is hardware dependent and probably unreliable.
> >
> > Why not run a benchmark and report the results instead?
> > Like bogomips?  <URL:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogomips>
> That's an interesting idea, but this is in a login script, so I can't
> exactly run benchmarks while logging in as the users will get
> impatient quite quickly. They already think the scripts take too long
> as it is.
> While this information may be unreliable, it is desired by my boss for
> the express purpose of budgeting upgrades in our organization.

For this purpose, the make/model of the CPU is probably much more
useful than any measure (maximum or scaled) of the actual clock speed.
Incidentally, it's also faster to gather.

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