Falcolas a écrit :
> Please help me understand the mechanics of the following behavior.
>>>>def d():
>       header = 'I am in front of '
>       def e(something):
>               print header + something
>       return e
>>>>f = d()
> I am in front of this
> I am in front of this
> The way I understand it, function d is an object,


> as is e. 


> However I
> don't quite grok the exact relationship between e and d.
> Is e
> considered to be a subclass of 'd',


> so that it has access to it's
> parent's __dict__ object, in order to access the value of 'header'? Or
> is this persistence managed in a different fashion?

As Diez said, it's called a lexical closure. A lexical closure is a 
function that captures and carries the lexical scope it was defined in 
with it - it 'closes over' it's environnement. Each time you call d, it 
returns a new function object (using the same code object) with a 
different environnement. You'll find this environement in f.func_closure.

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