Neil Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > But if I'm wrong about the performance benefits then I guess I'm > still in the dark about why len is a builtin. The only compelling > thing in the linked explation was the signatures of the guys who > wrote the artible. (Guido does admit he would, "hate to lose it > as a builtin," but doesn't explain why that should be a bad > thing).
With most of the builtin functions there is an advantage since they wrap a bit of extra logic round the implementation: e.g. getattr hooks to __getattr__ or __getattribute__. With len that doesn't really apply, as the only extra logic seems fairly pointless: sequences and mappings implement length differently so you could have a type which acts as both and returns different lengths for each. Also the result returned from __len__ is cast from a Python object to a C value and back again so you can't return a length which is too large to convert. The main benefit that I can think of is that it avoids namespace pollution: most Python special methods (the ones you aren't supposed to call directly) have the double-underscores flagging them as separate from user methods. This is a good thing: you can create a class which acts like a builtin sequence, but which has any attributes you fancy: the obvious example being the classic "it's a tuple but all the elements are also accessible as attributes" returned from time.localtime(), os.stat(). Try this in a language like Javascript and nasty things happen when your attribute names clash with internal attribute names. So that's my conclusion: it is a builtin function rather than a method in order to avoid polluting the user attribute space of user-defined classes. Obviously it isn't an absolute thing: lists and dictionaries do have other methods in the user namespace, so the decision to keep len out of that namespace is partly a judgement call, and partly historical (I think tuples didn't used to have any methods at all). --