hi all,
           I have problem to sort the data.. the file includes data as
chrX:    123343123    123343182    A_16_P41787782
chrX:    123343417    123343476    A_16_P03762840
chrX:    123343460    123343519    A_16_P41787783
chrX:    12334336    12334395    A_16_P03655927
chrX:    123343756    123343815    A_16_P03762841
chrX:    123343807    123343866    A_16_P41787784
chrX:    123343966    123344024    A_16_P21578670
chrX:    123344059    123344118    A_16_P21578671
chrX:    12334438    12334497    A_16_P21384637
chrX:    123344776    123344828    A_16_P21578672
chrX:    123344811    123344870    A_16_P03762842
chrX:    123345165    123345224    A_16_P41787789
chrX:    123345360    123345419    A_16_P41787790
chrX:    123345380    123345439    A_16_P03762843
chrX:    123345481    123345540    A_16_P41787792
chrX:    123345873    123345928    A_16_P41787793
chrX:    123345891    123345950    A_16_P03762844

how do is sort the file based on the column 1 and 2 with values......
using sort option works for only one column and not for the other how do is
sort both 1 and 2nd column so that the third column does not change.....
my script:#sorting the file
start_lis = []
end_lis = []
fh = open('chromosome_location_346010.bed','r')
for line in fh.readlines():
        data = line.strip().split('\t')
        start = data[1].strip()
        end = data[2].strip()
        probe_id  = data[3].strip()
for k in start_lis:
     for i in end_lis
               print k , i , probe_id(this doesnot worK)
      result = start#end#probe_id ------->this doesnot work...
        print result

What is the error and how do is sort a file based on the two column  to get
the fourth column also with that.

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